Beyond these doors, every Shabbat morning, there is a lively, inviting service in which everyone can comfortably follow along and participate.
Prayer books are available in both Hebrew and French and transliterated copies are available for those who wish to participate but struggle with hebrew reading.
Our children’s corner is filled with toys and snacks to keep your little ones entertained throughout the service.
Every week, the services are followed by a delicious Kiddush spread.
Shabbat Morning: 9:45 – 12:00
Please note any life threatening allergies that you may have.
The Kosher Cafe is open daily during lunch hours and boasts a delicious, nourishing menu! Due to its inviting environment and delicious cuisine, the Kosher Cafe has quickly established itself as the ultimate space to enjoy a kosher lunch in the area. Eat your meal, meet new people, enjoy a game of foosball and repeat the very next day!
Menu: Sandwiches, Sushi, Daily Lunch Plates.
Bichvile’h is an organization that provides vital support, assistance, and a supportive community to new moms during the magical, yet vulnerable time of postpartum. Warm meals, emotional support, and informative conferences and workshops are just a sliver of the immeasurable support that Bichvile’h provides for any local mom who reaches out to us.
There is also a special branch of Bichvile’h that prepares and sends care packages to women who have suffered from pregnancy or infant loss. The women receive the packages anonymously and every single woman who reaches out for one receives one – no questions asked.
Additionally, Bichvile’h hosts a weekly “NAME OF PROGRAM” during which mothers can gather together for a delicious, healthy brunch, a Pilates class given by a certified instructor, and nourish their soul with some words of Torah, all while their baby plays happily under the supervision of a responsible babysitter!
You can learn more about our organization’s activities by searching #bichvilehbastille on instagram!
Bichvile’h hosts a weekly “mommy&me” during which mothers can gather together for a Pilates class given by a certified instructor, and nourish their soul with some words of Torah, all while their baby plays happily under the supervision of a responsible babysitter!
Torah Classes (offered in French)
Men :
Tuesdays at 19h30, Text based class exploring the weekly torah portion
Tuesday at 20h00 – Jewish philosophy
We also host frequent lectures, conferences and workshops on many different topics.
Boys and girls above the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah are invited to join the international CTEEN movement with chapters all across the globe!
• Weekly meetings
• Shabbatons
• Organized trips
• Travel to New York for the international Shabbaton!
Start your week off right! Treat yourself to a morning of learning and inspiration that will illuminate your Torah learning and fill your week with light.
The Beth Midrash takes place every Sunday morning and features lectured given by Rabbi Eliezer Arnauve.
9:30 – 10:20: Gemara class
10:20 – 10:30: Light breakfast
10:30 – 11:00: Jewish philosophy
The languages may be varied, the songs will be many, and the soul that unites us will shine brightly!
Please note:
Reservations are obligatory and must be made through our website.
Please reserve at your earliest convenience so that we can properly prepare and give you the best experience!
Tefillin and Mezuzot that are written with ink on parchment tend to fade over time due to weather conditions, humidity, and extreme heat and cold.
The Beth Loubavitch Bastille offers Tefillin and Mezuza verification services and will even lend you a pair of Tefillin that you can use while yours are being checked.
Join us for our monthly women’s events.
Relax, unwind and enjoy an evening out filled with connection, creation and inspiration.
Commencez votre semaine par une matinée enrichissante donnant libre cours à l’artiste qui est en vous Club artistique accompagné d’un cours de Torah, matinée pour femme actives et dynamiques.
Tous les lundis de 10h à 13h
Mazal tov! Your greatest life event is approaching. It’s time to take a break from all of the physical preparations that surround the big day and make time to explore the spiritual significance of marriage and to learn the laws of Family Purity and Mikvah.
We offer classes for both the bride and groom filled with important information, advice and guidance that will last you way beyond the day of your wedding!
Each course consists of four lessons.
Course Fee: A suggested donation of 150 Euro to the Beth Habad’s activities. (a CERFA can be provided)
Initiation au mode de vie juive, permettant aux jeunes à cet âge charnière, de prendre connaissance de leur puissant héritage.
Préparation à la cérémonie, la lecture de la Torah et au discours Bar/Bat Mitsvah dans un cadre chaleureux et motivant.
Nous ne devons jamais oublier les personnes seules isolées ou nécessiteuses
❖ Aide aux personnes isolées ;
Visites, repas chauds, soutien physique et moral sont des priorités pour nous afin de rendre la dignité aux personnes fragiles et de les inclure dans la vie communautaire
❖ Aide aux personnes hospitalisées ;
Visites dans les hôpitaux et livraison de repas cachers:
Nous effectuons des visites tout au long de l’année et tout particulièrement pendant les fêtes permettant ainsi aux malades de vivre ces moments importants et de pouvoir accomplir les Mitsvot s’y rapportant : Chofar,Loulav, Meguila